Amazing work Daniel
Daniel tells us: Last Thursday week I offered two Visors as a sample to a neighbor of mine who I know to be a doctor, who turned out to work in ICU at the Mater.
Upon review they loved the idea and rang to ask for as many as I could produce. My little 3D printer and I were only able to crank out 16 visors per day and after 3 days we had s catch-up with the Mater who explained they needed 100 per day.
I knew if I wanted to have an impact I would need to step up my game. So I bought 7 more printers and set them up in the spare room in my house. Now I’m producing up to 160 visors per day and supplying Connolly hospital in Blanchardstown and also the Mater.
I’ve been delighted with the support from the community and across Ireland with everyone pulling together in solidarity during this pandemic.
It there is anyone with large volumes of Acetate/ Polypropylene they would like to donate or access to a laser cutter in the D15 area I’d love to hear from you.
Daniel Mooney