Creative Fingal 5 year strategy

Fingal County Council, under the Creative Ireland Programme, is preparing the Fingal Culture and Creativity Strategy 2023 -2027, a five-year plan for Fingal.  As part of the process, we are inviting submissions from members of the public, creative practitioners and organisations in Fingal. 

The Creative Ireland Programme, built on the legacy of the 1916 Centenary Commemorations, shows the power of cultural creativity for bringing communities together and strengthening identity. The core proposition of the Creative Ireland Programme is that participating in cultural activity drives personal and collective creativity, with significant implications for individual and societal well-being.

Fingal has one of the largest, fastest growing, most ethnically diverse and youngest populations in Ireland. Our unique community and culture are at the heart of this strategy, which will aim to provide continuing opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds, across the county to enhance their well-being through engaging with culture and creativity in the broadest sense.

The strategy, which will be informed by consultation with the public, creative practitioners and staff within Fingal County Council, will identify strategic priorities, which will be the main areas of focus for delivering the vision of the Creative Ireland Programme in Fingal over the period 2023-2027.

Fingal Culture and Creativity Strategy 2023-2027 | Fingal County Council Online Consultation Portal

A copy of the current strategy can be found here: Fingal.pdf (

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