COVID-19 Vaccines Partner Pack

COVID-19 vaccination is underway

We all know that COVID-19 is a highly infectious disease which can cause serious illness, hospitalisation and even death.

The COVID-19 vaccine will offer you protection from COVID-19. If you do catch COVID-19 after vaccination, you should be protected from the serious illness the virus can sometimes cause. Over 350,000 doses of the vaccine have been administered in Ireland.

Who is being vaccinated now?

Supplies of the vaccine are limited at the moment, so people who are most at risk from COVID-19 are being vaccinated first.

This means people living in long-term care, frontline healthcare workers, and people aged 70 and over. We’re currently vaccinating people aged 85 and over, and people aged 80 and over will be next.

People don’t need to register in advance at the moment – we’ll let you know when it’s your turn to be offered the vaccine. The COVID-19 vaccine is free. It will not be available privately.

Our aim in offering the vaccine to the population is to protect people and reduce the illness and deaths caused by this virus.

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