COVID 19 Stability Fund – Phase 2 open for applications

Phase 2 of the COVID 19 Stability Fund is now open for applications. We would appreciate if information about the fund could be shared with your member groups.

The COVID 19 Stability Fund is open to community and voluntary organisations, social enterprises and charitable organisations which are:

·         –         Registered with the Charities Regulator in Ireland

·         –         Are an unincorporated organisation i.e. are not set up as a company and are not registered with Companies Registration Office

·         –         Are providing supports and services to vulnerable individuals in Ireland on or before the 1st January 2019

·         –         Have projected loss in traded or fundraising income of 25% or more in 2020

The application period is open until 10th August.

Please see below link to full information regarding Phase 2:

If you or a member group require further assistance related to the stability fund, please contact

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