Councillors approve Council’s €989m Capital Programme

Councillors have approved Fingal County Council’s €989m three-year Capital Programme which provides for significant investment on projects across the County during period from 2023 to 2025.

It represents a €205m increase on the previous Capital Plan with the 2023-2025 programme identifying 266 individual projects with an estimated spend of €988,990,218 over the three years.

The Programme projects a capital spend in 2022 of €269m, followed by €354m in 2023 and a further €366m in 2023.

Around 55% of the €989m has been allocated to Housing with the €543m budget underpinning the Council’s commitment to delivering a significant housing programme under the Government’s Housing For All policy. Another 15%, or €146m, has been earmarked for Economic, Enterprise, Tourism and Cultural Development projects. A further €139m, or 14%, is set aside for Planning and Strategic Infrastructure projects.

The remaining 17% of Capital Programme spending will be on Environment, Climate Action and Active Travel (€68m); Operations and Water Services (€41m), Community and Sports Development (€35m) and Corporate Affairs and Governance (€17m).

Fingal County Council Chief Executive AnnMarie Farrelly said: “The Capital Programme is an extensive roadmap of the projects we are working on.  All are at different stages of their journey but represent our commitment to continue improving the infrastructure of the county. As we build more houses for our growing population, we are also putting in place everything else that is needed to ensure that we build sustainable communities. Our focus is on delivery and our objective is to make sure that each of the 266 projects in the Capital Programme eventually becomes a reality.”

Oliver Hunt, Fingal County Council’s Head of Finance, said: “The progress of the projects outlined in the Capital Programme relies heavily on the availability of funding from the Exchequer, levies and our own revenue streams. We have done a lot of work identifying where the money to fund projects is going to come from. Those projects where the direct funding pathway has yet to be finalised are the ones most at risk of not proceeding and we will be working to provide greater clarity on funding for those particular projects over the next year.”

Over the past 12 months projects such as Hole in the Wall Road; Skerries Playground; Rathmore Play Trail Lusk; Stockhole Lane Group Housing Scheme;  and the restoration of the Great Hall in Malahide Castle have been completed . There has also been considerable progress on many other projects with several due to be finished by the end of this year.

At present the Council has 37 Capital Programme projects worth €117m on site and these include the construction of 156 homes in Church Fields, Wellview and Cappaghfinn and the upgrading of the Snugborough Road Interchange on the N3 at Blanchardstown.

The presentation of the 2023-2025 Capital Programme to councillors can be viewed here.

 A copy of the 2023-2025 Capital Programme is available here.

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