#CoronavirusSolidarity Terms of Reference

Information will be monitored and checked by the Fingal PPN Resource Worker/Support Worker and approved before going live on the website.  This pre-moderation will ensure that content is acceptable/unacceptable. Unacceptable content is then removed.

The #CoronavirusSolidarity Diary will not be used as a conversation tool for participants

The #CoronavirusSolidarity Diary is specifically to capture the community and voluntary response to the Covid-19 crisis through uplifting and good news stories.

The #CoronavirusSolidarity Diary will not be used to advertise or promote a commercial element of any organisation although it may be used to capture an innovative response to the Covid-19 crisis e.g. supply by a company of non-perishable goods to a vulnerable community organisation

The #CoronavirusSolidarity Diary will not be used to provide formal information on Covid-19 as this information will be uploaded on a separate FPPN platform

Posts provided in other languages than English will require an English translation and must be verified as an accurate translation by the presenter

GDPR guidelines will apply to all posts

Information will be uploaded in a timely manner and this will be subject to the business continuity demands.  The site is managed during office hours.

FPPN and FCC Community Development Office are the owners of the #CoronavirusSolidarity Diary information

Information provided to the platform may be mapped onto an interactive map of community responses to the Covid-19 crisis.

Participants have been requested to tag @fingalppn, @fingalcommunity and @fingalcoco in an effort to raise the profile of the community response

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