Consultation on Structural Review of Public Participation Networks.

You may all have seen the report from Mazars on the Structural Review of the PPNs.

To facilitate as much feedback as possible on the recommendations and structure options, Social Justice Ireland are holding online consultation events in July, details below. If necessary, we may also hold one in-person session in the Midlands to facilitate people who prefer that method. An outline of what these sessions will entail is attached.

We’ve put together 5 online meetings dates, scheduled across different days and times in order to facilitate as much participation as possible.

Friday 15th July 12 – 2pm

Tuesday 19th July 2 – 4 pm

Wednesday 20th July 5 – 7 pm

Saturday 23rd July 10am – 12 pm

Monday 25th July 7 – 9 pm

These events are not being held on a regional basis, so anyone can go to any event. Links to register are included in the attachment. A report will be drafted at the end of each session and 

circulated to the attendees. This will form part of the final submission to the Department.

Full Details and registration links found here.


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