Community & Sports Division – Youth Sports Funding Application Form 2023

The Fingal County Council Sports Office in conjunction with the Sport Ireland invite applications for funding under the Youth Sports (Small Grant) Scheme 2023.

This scheme is open to Voluntary Sporting Organisations who have registered with the Fingal Community County Register( PPN), affiliated to a recognised NGB or disability organisation and are working with young people and based in the Fingal administrative area.

The Youth Sport (Small Grant) Scheme aims to assist existing clubs towards equipment purchase, referee/coaching fees etc.  Applications that create a positive impact on participation levels, encourage diversity and integration and demonstrate sustainability within the club may have a greater chance for funding approval.

Successful clubs will be required to acknowledge the financial assistance of Fingal Sports Office and Sport Ireland. Reference must be made to Fingal Sports Office in any publicity  relating to the funding with acknowledgement on social media using @fingalsports @sportireland #YSG2023

Applications from clubs who provide Sports Gear Swap Shops and promote an internal circular economy within their club will be looked on favourably.Clubs who applied and were approved for Sports Equipment Funding in 2023 cannot apply for the Youth Sports Grant 2023.

Closing date for applications is Friday 15th September 2023, 6pm.

See here to apply
Please note that applications will not be processed unless all required information is provided. Additional information can be uploaded at the end of this application. *denotes fields that are mandatory

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