Community Safer Halloween

Fingal County Council Community Development Office are proposing support Community Safer Halloween activities led by local voluntary community groups and centres on the lead up to and including Halloween eve. Suggested activities will range from diversionary activities including discos, pumpkin carving, mask making, parades etc and will include a ‘Stay Safe and Awareness’ element.

In addition to hosting an activity, participating groups and centres will be required to promote the Fingal County Council ‘Stay Safe and Awareness’ message and promote the various initiatives other departments provide during Halloween also such as

•            To circulate and display information of tips on how to stay safe during Halloween 

•            To Encourage / promote recycling services – including recycling amnesty 

•            To Promote Bonfire Removal/ Reporting Information

A max of €750 will be made available to the centres. We are currently seeking EOI’s (Expression of Interest) and when submitted we will work with the centre to complete a grant application online (similar to Summer Project)

Closing date for the EOI is the 7th July and will only require their contact details. (If an EOI is not submitted a group/centre cannot be considered for Halloween funding)

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