Community Local Magazines – Online Editions – September 2023

September is the first month of the three which make up the season called Autumn.

Its a period when Community/Voluntary/Sporting organisations gain new members.

A period when the clocks go back and the daylight shortens. A period when our children go to and from school in the dark and when clubs and organisations go through a period of renewal and begin to plan for the coming months and year ahead.

Some people do not like Autumn but if we consider all the good things that can and do happen in September, October and November then those three months are actually better than a lot of people think.

During Autumn new Committees are elected by groups and clubs, and plans are made on such things as fundraising, competitions, training schedules and new services.

Over the years these organisations can be taken for granted, but if you ever do get involved in them, you will be amazed at the workload carried out to help us and our families and neighbours.

Endless hours spent going through agendas, standing at training sessions and competitions, collecting money and organising fundraising events in the cold are the reasons so many of our community groups are so successful.

Every month in this magazine, the great work undertaken by these individuals is highlighted. Those who have planned meticulously their charitable and sporting events.

So this year as we begin our journey into Autumn let us appreciate the groups.

Clubs and organisations, and those individuals who give their time to ensure efforts are successful.

Let us also appreciate those in our community who provide services to our elderly and infirm and our local retailers and service providers who ensure we have local jobs and provisions.

So you see these things do not happen without planning and effort and this September let us appreciate all those who work to make our community the caring and wonderful place it is.

So, Autumn is not all about cold and dark evenings, it’s about planning, renewal and success.

Happy September!

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