Community Foundation Ireland: Children’s Groups invited to apply to RTÉ Toy Show Fund

Groups working with and supporting children are being invited to apply for funding from the RTÉ Toy Show Appeal.

Following the success of the appeal during the Late Late Toy Show more than €3.6 Million is being made available under two grant rounds.

Community Foundation Ireland, which is overseeing the distribution of grants has published criteria to guide organisations in their applications. Full details have been published on The closing date for applications is on the 14th March 2024.

The two rounds are:

  • Community Grants of between €10,000-€20,000 for local groups working with vulnerable children
  • Impact Grants of €20,000-€50,000 for larger projects by groups with annual income exceeding €500,000

Criteria for each grant round is available here: Community Grants and Impact Grants.

Since the first broadcast of the appeal in 2020, more than €21M has been raised by generous viewers to support children and their families in every county.

Denise Charlton, Chief Executive of Community Foundation Ireland added:
“Our incredible partnership with the Toy Show Appeal has transformed young lives throughout Ireland. Whether providing essential services to those living with illness, protecting children in violent homes or bringing play and creativity to those growing up in disadvantage the impact of the appeal has been transformative. Clearly viewers have bonded with the appeal. Now it’s time to once again turn that generosity into action. On behalf of all who share our mission of Equality for All in Thriving Communities. Thank You.”

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