Children4WorldChildren presents ‘Inclusion in Action’ @ Fingal Inclusion Week 2021

About this event

Fingal Inclusion Week! Right Here in our Community!!

Over 76 free events will take place across the county of Fingal from the 15-21 November 2021.

Children4WorldChildren (C4WC) is one of the key participants of Fingal Inclusion week since inception in 2019.

C4WC is inviting members of the public to get involved in our Fingal Inclusion Week Event ‘Inclusion in Action’ on Sunday 21 November 2021 from 7pm-8.30pm on zoom.

Inclusion in Action aims to highlight the positive work that C4WC are involved in to reduce social exclusion and poverty in our community and across the globe.

It also hopes to raise awareness of the barriers experienced by citizens of Fingal that lead to social exclusion and promote understanding of inclusion in Fingal and celebrate diversity across the country.

To get involved, please, register here or visit and register for an event of your interest.

Fingal Inclusion Week is an initiative of Fingal County Council, Fingal Integration, Fingal Public Participation Network.

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