Census 2022 Will take Place on Sunday 3 April 2022.

Census 2022 will take place on Sunday 3 April 2022. This is a major undertaking for the Central Statistics Office, which involves counting every person in the State on that night (Census Night). They wish to request your assistance in promoting and maximising awareness of, and participation in, the census, which is so important for our communities, our counties, and our country.

They have developed a dedicated website, www.census.ie, to provide comprehensive information about the census and to assist the public in completing their census form.   The website is available in English and Irish. It also includes a page of information and advice in 22 other languages – https://www.census.ie/help-with-your-form/other-languages/, as well as a range of other accessibility aids – https://www.census.ie/help-with-your-form/accessibility-aids/.

We would greatly appreciate if you would share this email with your networks, and help bring the census, and the website, to their attention. We would also appreciate if you would provide a link to our website – www.census.ie  – on your own website. Details of how to do so are available here – https://www.census.ie/census-2022/put-a-census-link-on-your-website/.

Thank you for helping us to deliver a comprehensive and inclusive Census 2022.  

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