Bike Week is a celebration and promotion of the benefits of cycling. This year Bike Week will take place from Saturday 13 to Sunday 21 May. Fingal County Council is bringing an exciting programme of events for families, older people, schools, people with disabilities and employers. 

Check out the events listed below and sign up for any events that require booking to avoid disappointment!

Saturday 13 May: Family Fun Day at Millennium Park

The first Bike Week 2023 event is taking place from 12-4pm in Millennium Park, Blanchardstown on Saturday, 13 May!

Sunday 14 May: Inclusive Cycling Come & Try Day

A chance for children and adults with additional physical and intellectual needs to try out a trishaw, wheelchair bike or adapted cycle in a safe environment. Come along to the Phoenix Park from 12-3pm on Sunday, 14 May. BOOK A SLOT HERE

Wednesday 17 May: Sunset Social Cycle

Hop on your bike for a chilled out sunset cycle in the Phoenix Park. Wednesday, 17 May. Meeting at 8.30pm.

Thursday 18 and Friday 19 May: Primary Schools BMX Lessons

Primary schools are invited to enjoy workshops at the BMX track in St. Catherine’s Park Lucan.

Saturday 20 May: Community Cycle Baldoyle to Howth

A cycle suitable for everyone! Take a spin with cycle leaders from Baldoyle to Howth using newly installed protected cycle lanes. Meeting at Baldoyle Racecourse Park 10am. Saturday, 20 May.  REGISTER HERE

Saturday 20 May: Baldoyle Bay Biosphere Festival

Community festival at Baldoyle Community Hall from 10-3pm on Saturday, 20 May. Come along and say hello!

Sunday 21 May: Family Fun Day

Come to Malahide Castle and Gardens from 12-5pm for the annual day of cycle in movies, bike games, fitness and fun activities led by Fingal County Council’s Active Travel team. 

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