Belong To LGBTQ+ Youth Ireland: School Climate Survey

In 2022, Belong To LGBTQ+ Youth Ireland’s School Climate Survey revealed that 76% of LGBTQ+ students feel unsafe at school, with 86% feeling isolated by other students. However, LGBTQ+ young people who felt supported by school staff were 35% more likely to feel accepted by other students.

This research has been essential in Belong To LGBTQ+ Youth Ireland’s work in advocating for the needs of LGBTQ+ young people in policy and legislation. The findings of this valuable work has ensured that LGBTQ+ young people in Ireland have their voices heard and in turn the results have been featured in a variety of media, published in school textbooks in Ireland and shared with powerful decision makers at a government level.

In partnership with the Teacher’s College at Columbia University, they are launching the survey again this year to find out whether anything has changed in Irish schools, so they can best support LGBTQ+ youth.

The survey is for LGBTQ+ young people attending second-level school or Youthreach, and takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Click here for survey.

Belong To LGBTQ+ Youth Ireland hope that through the research, they will gain insight into LGBTQ+ young people’s school experiences, to provide educators, policy makers and LGBTQ+ youth with evidence-based supports.

Together, we can make all schools a safe and supportive space for LGBTQ+ youth.

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