Being Literacy Friendly Webinar 26 April

Join NALA for a one hour webinar on becoming more literacy friendly – Mental Health Ireland’s journey at 10am on Wednesday 26 April. 

Mental Health Ireland are updating their training materials so they are more literacy friendly. Nicole Lonican and Daniela Monza will share the organisation’s experience becoming more aware of literacy needs and making changes to be more literacy friendly.

As community and voluntary groups and organisations you are a trusted source of information, advice and support in communities.

If people have unmet literacy, numeracy or digital literacy needs, can they fully access your programmes and supports?

In Ireland, over 500,000 adults have unmet needs in reading, understanding information and using everyday maths. This means they may find it difficult to fill in a form, access information, read and understand instructions on medicines, divide or add up a bill.

The Webinar will look at:

* What is the literacy friendly approach

* NALA’s 10 literacy friendly standards

* Mental Health Ireland’s journey on becoming more literacy friendly

There is no fee for attending this webinar. Register now.

Can’t make this webinar? Get in touch to book training for your group or organisation in 2023. Email Derv at

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