Befriending Training for Community Response Volunteers – Expression of Interest Form

Befriending Training for Community Response Volunteers

Fingal County Council’s Community Development office’s aim under Government of Ireland’s #Keep Well Campaign/Keeping Connected theme is to continue to provide support to the COVID -19 community response groups, and any other services or organisations providing support to people isolated during the pandemic.

For groups that are currently delivering or interested in delivering a befriending service as a form of support to persons vulnerable to isolation in their community, the Community Development office is offering bespoke training.

This will take place over approximately 2.5 hours in February – date to be decided. Volunteers will be trained in what their role involves and the limitations to their role. Training will also be provided in the area of boundary management, how to manage any concerns, challenging situations, and communication skills.

If you or your volunteers are interested in taking part please complete the expression of interest: click here

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