Balrothery Community Volunteers out in force! Thanks to Kasia for the face masks #CoronavirusSolidarity #CommunityCall

Thanks to all the volunteers who have been out and about “TRYING” to find addresses to deliver these kind donations from Andrews Spar, Balrothery Balrothery Pharmacy Fingal Public Participation Network – FPPN and also Kasia for the face masks. So if you see anyone looking lost wearing a hi vis please point them in the right direction 😂
Reminder that all our volunteers are An Garda Síochána vetted and helping ALONE Ireland Fingal County Council #CommunityRespone #CoronavirusSolidarity Councillor Tony Murphy #YOUARENOTALONE #COMMUNITYCALL

Man O’War Gfc
Balrothery Balbriggan Tennis Club
Balrothery Football Club

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and outdoor
Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and outdoor

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