AONTAS STAR Awards 2021

Once again the European Social Fund Managing Authority are delighted to sponsor the AONTAS STAR Awards 2021.

On behalf of AONTAS we would like to promote the 15th annual AONTAS Adult Learners’ Festival which will take place from 1st – 5th March 2021. This celebration of adult learning is an opportunity for you to promote your organisation, showcase your services and connect with the wider adult learning community.

While the Festival usually sees adult learning organisations across Ireland open their doors for free open days and workshops, this year will look a little different due to the current COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, AONTAS will run their first-ever virtual festival online.

The theme of this year’s festival is collaboration and “Building Back Better Together – #BetterTogether”. While people can’t come together for the usual in-person events, AONTAS are excited to collaborate with their members and organisations in the sector to deliver an exciting calendar of virtual events and opportunities to engage with online. AONTAS hope you will join them to promote and acknowledge the incredible work you have done in adapting to the challenges of the past year.

Date – Theme

AONTAS would really encourage you to run an event. The Festival week will be outlined in the following theme days:-

  • Monday 1st March – Sustainable Development
  • Tuesday 2nd March – Learner Voice
  • Wednesday  3rd March – Health and Wellbeing
  • Thursday 4th March – Social Inclusion
  • Friday 5th March – Third-level Access

You can keep up to date with their Adult Learners’ Festival page and social media accounts.

If you would like more information on how you can get involved in the Festival please get in touch with Katie O’Rourke, AONTAS Head of Communications at:

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