Anti Litter Anti Graffiti Fund Applications Open

The Anti-Litter Anti-Graffiti Competition is run every year by Fingal County Council. Lots of different projects are initiated by members of Community Groups all over Fingal. Activities can include: litter clean ups, painting of estate walls, painting murals, introducing areas for biodiversity in places prone to litter and dumping and awareness campaigns for litter and cigarette butt disposal. The fund is part-sponsored by the Department of Environment, Climate Action and Communications.

Who Can Apply?

Community groups, schools, sports clubs, Men’s/Women’s Sheds- we want to hear from you! If you have an idea that will help your community tackle litter or inspire less graffiti in your area, let us know!

How do I apply?

Applications are now open and the closing date is Friday June 28th. Application forms are available here to download.

English Anti Litter Graffiti Funding Application Form 2024

Irish Anti Litter Graffiti Funding Application Form 2024

Completed application forms can be emailed to

Have more questions?

Email and they will be happy to answer your query.

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