Anti -Litter & Anti-Graffiti Fund 2020

The Anti-Litter & Anti-Graffiti Fund 2020 is now open for applications. The winning groups will each receive €2,000 to spend on the projects.

Please see the information below and the applications forms for further information and please ensure that you read the rules and scoring information points 8 and 9 before you fill out the form.

Here is a list of typically projects to give you a flavour of what we are looking for, Groups that involve sectors of the community in litter and graffiti prevention will score higher.

Typically Suitable Projects

  1. Adopt a Patch, adopt a bring bank, community clean-ups or similar initiatives, e.g. planting of a hedge to prevent litter & graffiti, adopt a section of road, designated bring banks or housing estate, kept litter free by local community groups, local authorities provide litter pickers, bags and gloves and the removal of waste/rubbish is the responsibility of the local authority. Thereafter the community can transform or beautify the area.
  1. Dog-fouling is an issue in most communities. You could provide dog collar dispensers to dog owners. Fingal Co. Council will provide a number of free doggie bag dispensers for all communities to give out freely. This would include signing up to the ‘Green Dog Walker scheme’ whereby dog owners commit to cleaning up the mess. Projects highlighting awareness of issues regarding responsible dog ownership with respect to dog fouling (clean-up) and the dangers not cleaning up can pose to the public including young children and wheelchair users.
  1. Create a community garden space/ biodiversity area in an area prone to littering and graffiti where members of the community can have an input. This area should contain pollen rich flowers and areas managed for biodiversity with reduced mowing and no spraying with herbicides/ weed killers. Visit for information.
  1. Introduce a community swop scheme for sports gear, bicycles, toys, etc.
  1. Elimination of single-use plastics – at Community events, family days and Centres, coffee shops, coffee docks etc. Introduce a stock of reusable cups / beakers that are available for community events.
  1. Run a Cigarette Butt disposal campaign to eliminate butts from the drains and encourage responsible disposal.
  1. Organise a conscious cup campaign – for hot beverages in the community and the community centre – thereby reducing the littering of single use coffee cups
  1. If graffiti/ tagging is a common behaviour in the community – consider a mural with a waste prevention/ environment focus to include participation with local teenagers/ young adults.
  1. Setting up of a water refill point for water bottles (include signage) where people can fill up their water bottles – thereby reducing the littering of single use plastic bottles. Promote use of the refill point locally.
  1. Create a Community slogan with a green theme which can be used in communications.

Best of luck to all applicants!!

Please send any queries to Sinead Fox Environmental Awareness Officer, Fingal County Council by e-mailing

Communities4environment Anti Litter Graffiti Funding Application Form 2020

Communities4environment ALAG Funding Application Form 2020 pdf

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