Age & Opportunity, Keeping Older People Connected

At Age & Opportunity we are continuing to provide opportunities for older people to be more active; more visible; more creative; more connected; more often, during these difficult times. We’ve gotten creative and transferred a number of our initiatives online to reach our audience who are following social-distancing and cocooning guidelines. More info on our website at or you can call 01 8057709

Keeping Active – Movement Minutes Live

To try and incorporate some physical activity into our day we are broadcasting three live 15 minute physical activity sessions that older adults can join along to – Age & Opportunity Movement Minutes. Join us on our Facebook page for these sessions every:

‣ Monday @ 11am: Seated Physical Activity Session for Older Adults

‣ Wednesday @ 11am: Standing Physical Activity Session for Older Adults

‣ Friday @ 11am: Seated and Standing Physical Activity Session for Older Adults

We hope you’ll share this information with anyone who would like to get involved. We also have Active DVDs and leaflets on balance, strength and posture that we can send out to anyone who would like them. For more info on the DVD and leaflets email with your details.

You will find us Facebook at: 

You will find our full playlist on YouTube here:

Building Resilience – Something Inside So Strong

These are difficult times. Words like lockdown, social distancing, wash your hands, stay safe dominate the airwaves. The coronavirus has turned the world upside down, calling into question so many things we took for granted. The future is uncertain, all the more so as a return to the ‘old normal’ is not an option. What can we do?

Develop our resilience, individually and collectively. Our five part series of videos looks at resilience – what it means and how to build it. It reminds us of the resources we have at our disposal, the ‘something inside so strong’ that sustains and keeps us connected.

The first video in the series was published on our Facebook page on Thursday 23rd. We hope you will join us on this journey as we build our resilience during these difficult times.

You will find us Facebook at:

You will find our YouTube playlist here: HYPERLINK “”& HYPERLINK “”list=PLfCQ6OkV7hAhLsblR0qRsh9b2FapQh7gM

Getting Creative at Home

At the start of May we launched the first in a series of art videos that people will be able to try out at home using everyday household items. Tom Meskell will be showing us how to create watercolour paintings, bubblewrap masterpieces, sock puppets, toilet roll puppets and more. Keep an eye on our Facebook page and our website for this wonderful, creative series throughout the month of May.

Keep an eye on our website:

Celebrating the Arts in May

While the Bealtaine Festival has been cancelled we are honouring the creative spirit of the festival with a selection of activities online. We have a photography club and book clubs that people can join to discuss their hobby. We also have a number of videos about life during Covid-19 from our hilarious friend The Windy Lady. We will be sharing choirs singing for the Dawn and Dusk Chorus’s from their own homes, creative activities you can get involved in from home and much more.

Keep an eye on our Bealtaine Festival website for updates:

Also check out the Bealtaine Facebook page:

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