Africa Day 2020 Update – Closing date extended to Thursday 21st May at 5pm!!

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade have decided not to proceed to fund community-based celebrations of Africa Day at this time. The celebration is postponed until such time as social distancing requirements are no longer in place. This decision has not been taken lightly. However, they believe it is in the best interests of local authorities and community groups who would otherwise have had to make preparations in the current challenging context of social distancing rules, and uncertainty.

In the meantime the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is proposing a Virtual 2020 Africa Day celebration, on Africa Day social media channels (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube). They have contact Local Authorities to get the word out and to invite members of the African community and communities of African heritage across Ireland, to create short pieces of content which can be shared on the Africa Day social media channels.

Examples might include performances of songs, dance or music; recitation of folklore or poetry; an Africa Day message, short videos showing how to make a favourite recipe; artwork celebrating the day; or showcases of traditional dress or contemporary designs. All content needs to be self-recorded under social distancing measures.

If you or members of your group are interested, please complete the form below and upload your content (video, image) here Content must be received by close of business next Wednesday, 20 May

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