Adult Learning Festival

Have you ever consider a return to education? Are you unsure what the first steps might be?

Fingal County Council Community Development Office are pleased to invite you to their upcoming Adult Learning Festival which will take place in Draíocht, Blanchardstown, Dublin on 27th September from 10am – 1pm. This event aims to bring together adult education and training providers with those who are interested in being open to opportunities to second chance education.

Education can take many forms; volunteering with your local community group, taking part in a community education course in your local community centre or undertaking a course in college. Go to this event to find out more information on how to navigate the CAO process, get information on recognition of a foreign qualification, discover the range of financial supports available and hear from learners who have already completed a return to education. There will be a range of organisations and agencies available at this one-stop-shop event to guide you according to your own personal circumstances.

Education is for everyone. Register your interest in attending this event here: Adult Learning Festival | Fingal County Council Online Consultation Portal

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