ACT: Open workshop for adult and community educators on climate and health – World Health Day

The Covid-19 pandemic has revealed how unequal global health systems are. For example, high income countries have vaccinated 2 out of 3 people in their population, while low-income countries have vaccinated 1 in 7 (WHO, 2022).

Unequal health outcomes are also directly connected to the environment in which we live. 3.8 million people worldwide die each year from household air pollution from cooking stoves, which also contribute to climate change (WHO, 2021). 1,300 people in Ireland die every year in Ireland from poor-quality air (EPA, 2020). Women and children, low-income households, and members of the Traveller community are more vulnerable to poor health as a result of their environment (O’Neill et al. 2022).

On World Health Day, Global Action Plan will be holding a webinar to identify the connections between health, climate change, and equality. Using activities from their Action for Community Transformation toolkit, it will explore how health impacts our lives and our world, and what we can do about it.

If you are involved in adult education, if your community group is working on issues connected with health, or if you’re just interested in the topic, this workshop is for you!

Date and time: Thu, 7 Apr 2022, 19:00

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