A Message from Mayor of Fingal Cllr Seána Ó Rodaigh on International Women’s Day

I want to take this opportunity to acknowledge all the women in our community, across our country and across the world on International Women’s Day. We stand with you today to celebrate your achievements and work towards achieving gender equality.

As Mayor of Fingal, I have been fortunate to meet and work with so many incredible women who have made significant contributions to our community and have made Fingal a great place to live, work, visit and do business. They have been an inspiration to me to continue in the work I do.

We are thankful for those who work to support the women in their lives, raising them up with their words and actions, so that they can meet their potential. When we work together in an atmosphere of respect and trust we are working to create a future where girls and boys can be whoever they want to be, free from gender bias.

International Women’s day is more than just a day to celebrate women and their achievements. It’s a day to empower, encourage and motivate any agenda aimed at improving equal rights and opportunities for women. A day to realise our capabilities and display our strength and abilities in order to improve the life choices of future girls and women.

Great strides have been made but there is still a long way to go. Issues including gender-based violence, childcare and parity of public representation and leadership remain. I commend everyone who is working towards bringing about positive change. Gach rath oraibh ar an obair.

Ní neart go cur le chéile.

Happy International Women’s Day. 

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