A Message from Donabate Portrane Community Centre #CoronavirusSolidarity #CommunityCall

Good morning to everyone in our community. We are missing everyone, all our classes, the sport, the laughter, the coffee, and we just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing. It’s been a strange times, with lots of changes for everyone, working from home, not working, home schooling, volunteering, looking after ourselves and each other. But we are all doing our best.
Now that we are in the first phase of the Governments phased re-opening we wanted you to know that we are working on the centres re-opening plan. We have lots of enquiries about when we are opening. The centre cannot re-open until we are given the green light from Fingal County Council and the government. But when we can open, when it is deemed safe, we will be ready. Things will be different; there will be changes throughout the centre. What we are planning may not work perfectly, and if it doesn’t we will change it, until we have a system that works as best as it can. We will listen to you and your advice and comments – this is your centre, your space. We promise that our Health and Safety, our hygiene and cleaning regimes will be of the highest standards. We are in this together and we will work on this together.
From everyone at DPCC.
#Holdfirm ”

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